Tastes From Our Country Home
Our birds live on pasture in mobile fencing and housing. They spend their days doing what chickens do best – scratching around and snapping up any small critters they can find. As a result, our hens lay eggs that are nutrient dense.
Seasonal Roadside Stand
When the weather is fair our roadside stand is open. Asparagus and rhubarb are the first produce of the year and appear in June. As the summer unfolds the produce on the stand progresses through greens, peas, garlic, summer squash, tomatoes, onions, carrots, and winter squash, among other items.
We also have available some items that won’t do well sitting by the roadside all day, buy that we can supply you with, if desired. These include herbs (chives, sage, basil, parsley, hyssop, and dill), as well as cut flowers, and raspberries.
Soup Birds
Since we grow our flock naturally, we have a surplus of roosters on hand. We also have some older hens of dual purpose breeds that will make a great chicken stock. If you’ve a taste for rooster meat or wish to make your own chicken stock, let us know.
Piglets to raise
Raise your own Kunekune piglets. Contact us at harroldcountryhome@gamil.com
Share of a Pig (1/4, 1/2, or full)
Kunekune pigs can obtain up to 80% of their diet by grazing on pasture, as ours do. We supplement with non-soy organic feed. Kunekune pigs are known as lard pigs because they have a high fat content. Contact us for pricing at harroldcountryhome@gamil.com
Future Tastes
Meat Chickens
We are raising slow-growing meat birds out on pasture in mobile housing this summer. More info to come soon…
Share of Beef (1/4, 1/2, or full)
Our animals are grass-fed and grass-finished on our pasture. We will have available Holstein-Angus cross or Lynch Lineback, which is a dual-purpose breed with A2-A2 genetics.
Permaculture Orchard
In the spring of 2017 we planted several trees each of apples, cherries, pears, peaches and plums, as well as raspberries, sea buckthorns, haskaps, currants, and elderberries. Already we have enjoyed raspberries, apples, pears, currants and a few plums and peaches. We’ve since added cherries, aronia berries, hardy kiwis and pawpaws.
Beekeeping is something we are starting to get into. Having an orchard and multiple vegetable and flower gardens, bees are appreciated for their pollination services. Any honey we could get would from them is an added bonus!